A Clubhouse chat with Europe, Asia and Pacific friends

A date for your diary if you are interested in digital currency.

Monday, 29th March at 7am UK time (8am Amsterdam, 3pm Hong Kong and 5pm in Sydney).

A Clubhouse hour with my friends from Europe, Asia and the Pacific Region.

I’ll be reading extracts from “The Currency Cold War” and discussing digital currency and its implications with guests including James Lloyd from E&Y, Victoria Richardson from the Australian Payment Network, lawyer Joni Pirovich, John Ryan from the Emerging Payments Association Asia-Pacific, Robert Allen from eftpos, Robert Bell from 86400 and many more.

For this discussion, I’m going to focus on these extracts from the draft of the revised paperback edition that I am planning for next year:

  • The E-Cash Genes: what are the technological pressures and how do they shape the “evolutionary tree”.
  • Light and Dark: the implications of non-fungibility for money.
  • Swerving around Swift: the impact on America’s ability to exert soft power.

With thanks to London Publishing Partnership and Provoke Management.

Remember, you can buy The Currency Cold War as an audiobook too now, so you can listen to it while jogging or whatever it is people do nowadays instead of sitting down and reading books properly.

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